this is one of the strongest and most required fields in the current market .
Flutter is a framework, launched by Google in 2017 to create mobile applications that run on Android and iOS systems, in addition to using it to create desktop applications, Embedded System applications, and web applications, all through a programming language called Dart..
Flutter diploma from Raya Academy qualifies you to become a Professional Mobile APP Developer
Part 1: Dart (4 sessions – 2 weeks)
1. Intro to dart, variables, data types, math, comments, if
2. Logical operators, conditional operator, Loop (for, while, do while), list
3. functions, error handling, classes, methods
4. constructors, futures, async await.
Part 2: Flutter( sessions – weeks)
5. Intro to flutter, installing ide & plugin, important files, running first app, adding packages
6. Stateless & stateful, colors & strings, scaffold, material app, body
7. container, text, Padding, buttons, images, visibility
8. text field & controller, forms & validation, snack bar, alert dialog, toast,
9. row, column, expanded, card, list view
10. State management.
11. Navigation, with / without animation.
12. Workshop ui sample
13. Working with apis
14. Offline caching
15. Animation ( mplicit – hero – staggered)
16. Advanced (assets – themes – splash screen – slider – responsive ui)
17. Localization
18. Fire base
19. Chat app using firebase
20. Notification – flags
21. Google play, apple store
22. Final project init
23. Final project build design
24. Final project build Apis
25. Final project final touch